We Give
Captivate It Cares
We're bigger than just pencil caps
We're on a mission to serve where we've been served.
If you've read our story, you'll understand why giving back is a huge deal to us. Having survived the horrors of the trenches, one cannot help but go back and lend a hand to help others out as well.
...Having been directly affected by cancer and domestic violence, these two issues are at the core of our heart.
In an effort to give back, each month, Captivate It, LLC is committed to giving away a portion of its proceeds to organizations who are tangibly making a difference in assisting families and individuals in crisis who are facing these difficult realities on a daily basis. We know the needs.
- Choosing to remain by a loved ones' side during their time of illness at the risk of financial ruin,
- Becoming financially dependent on programs after leaving an abusive situation where part of the control was financial
- Assisting families caring for loved ones with cancer,
- Or helping individuals escape dangerous and violent situations
These are just a few of many.
We want to help and maybe you have too but didn't know how. We've made it easy for you. Here's how...
You can partner with us by making a purchase to make a difference. Yes, something that small. It's been determined by one domestic violence advocate that for $12.50 you can help an individual escape a violent and life threatening situation. What have you wasted that amount of money on?
Another way you can make a difference is by taking time to learn about these organizations, reach out to discover the needs, and help to spread the word.
In fact, if you or someone you know or suspect is currently in danger - many suffer in silence - we urge you to call the National Domestic Violence Hotline 24 hours a day 7 days a week toll free for help. All calls are confidential.
...One of the most dangerous times for a survivor of abuse is during their attempt to escape. Sadly, many have lost their lives in the process. There has to be a plan, a safe plan.
National Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
TTY 1-800-787-3224
We're not wasting any time.
Here's what we've already done...
We have already partnered with two organizations who were critical in assisting the Founder at the times she and her family needed it most. If such organizations were not able to keep their doors open, the help her family received could have gone unmet.On the domestic violence front, we've partnered with Option House Inc, an agency located in Southern California which...
- advocates and assists victims of violence by providing assistance with some legal matters such as filling out forms for filing restraining orders,
- providing safe housing for those escaping abuse,
- training future advocates,
- and offering classes and counseling to educate survivors on such matters as power and control - the cycle that keeps abuse going.
To contact them directly and learn more, visit: https://www.optionhouseinc.com
This will be the first of many that we will team up with going forward. Stay tuned for more.
Helping families facing many crisis that come about with a cancer diagnosis.
- One of the unfortunate aspects of cancer treatment is its ability to wipe out a patient's immunity along with other physical and impactful side effects.
- Some individuals lose their hair or their appearance may change due to the effects of medication which may cause a patient to isolate from those in society who may not understand.
- In some situations, siblings of childhood cancer patients tend to feel left out because so much care is going to the child who is ill.
Adonai Families has stepped up to the plate to tackle these concerns by planning safe and fun filled events for families of children with cancer. Each season they organize events that center around the family's involvement making each member feel recognized.
Past events have included:
- Easter Party
- Spring Prom/Dance
- Back to school Bash with food catered by Inn N Out
- Halloween Party
- Christmas Toy Giveaway
Many beautiful volunteers come together to plan, carry out, and manifest smiles for these children and their families. At the end of each event, families leave with toys, prizes, bags of groceries, gas cards, new friendships, and memories that they will cherish for a lifetime.
This is Marcus, the son of our Founder who on July 29, 2020 at the age of 13 succumbed to heart and lung disease, a latent but unfortunate effect of his aggressive cancer treatments. These events were some of the highlights of his last few years courtesy of Adonai Families. There was always too much fun to be missed.
Pictured below, Marcus' last Adonai Families' event
We want many other children and their families to experience the fun, excitement, and memories that Adonai Families brought to Marcus, his sisters, and his mom.
To find out how you can partner with them or to learn more visit: https://www.adonaifamilies.org
Other organizations we hope to partner with which exist to bring change in the lives of those touched by cancer and who had an instrumental part to play in Marcus' life are:
Megan's Wings, the Make-a-Wish Foundation, City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center, Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, Loma Linda Medical Center, and Texas Children's Hospital. This list will grow going forward.
In 2014 Marcus was asked to be the starter for the Megan's Wings' (another amazing cancer foundation) annual 5K run. It was quite an honor for him.
What an amazing wish granted. The Make-a-Wish Foundation in conjunction with "the Mertailor", the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, CA, and "Mermaid Linden" whose videos can be seen on Youtube, came together to bring Marcus' wish of becoming a merman to life - a kindness that touched his heart forever. You can watch the full video including Marcus' touching reaction on Mermaid Linden's Youtube channel under "Marcus's Wish."
Now you know what keeps our "why" accelerated. Please check back often as we feature the amazing organizations mentioned above as well as others yet to come.
We're in this together.
Each act of kindness counts.
"Kindness begins at home."
Captivate It, LLC cares and we're showing it, one individual at a time.
Even if you're not a cosmetic consumer, perhaps consider purchasing and gifting to someone. It's a win-win. You're lifting someone else's day while helping to bring hope to the lives of many.
Thank you. Your voice matters.
Tag us on Social Media @captivateit1